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25 years in business!

Since 1998, we have been creating and managing a diverse array of websites and web applications for businesses, individuals, and organisations.

Making us one of the longest established website design agencies in Ireland.

Timeline: 1998 - Now


Birth of the Commercial World Wide Web

On hearing a radio article explaining this new phenomenon will become the most revolutionary event to happen this century, I decided to explore.


Built my first website

Running a successful mural business for almost 20 years I decided to put my work online with my first website. But on referencing it to a large international architectural practice, was told that no one in the office used the internet, as it was way too slow.

Too early!  But I really enjoyed the process and decided to make it a business. 


Started creating my first commercial websites

Houseworks Ltd: Agents for Siematic, high end German kitchens. 
Artists: Graham Knuttel, Patrick O’Reilly and Rasher for NK Management.
Metro Eireann: Multiracial News Publication
National Guild of Master Craftsmen
Veldon Tait: Accountants


Wins semi state contract with the NDP (National Development Plan)

Along with my colleague Luke Ash-Browne who now works as a DevOps consultant engineer for WeShape in London, we responded to an advertisement for an information website for the roll out of broadband in Ireland for the a consultancy firm Norcontel for the The Department of Communications, Energy and. Natural Resources (DCENR) as part of the NDP.

To our surprise we won as we were the “only” applicant who offered a Content Management System!


Introduction to the IT sector

Begins working with Adrian Kelly of Unitech Systems Ltd, (now of DNA IT Solutions) to extend and improve the limited Content Management System, thus began a long term relationship that introduced us to the IT sector where we now run and manage a number of high end IT company websites including Data Centre installers to Cyber Security firms.


Starts developing with WordPress

Finally WordPress becomes a trusted complete CMS and we can now create fully functional CMS websites for a fraction of the cost of creating our own system. Now approx 90% of our sites use WordPress and we now develop our own custom plugins.  We are now considered WordPress experts.


Focusing on Brand

Many web design businesses will eventually incorporate Brand development. We extended ourselves to this essential aspect of our clients needs by working with graphic designer David Haverty who has a long history in the print industry. We now offer full brand development


Start managing our own servers

As Cloud hosting costs became more reasonable, we partnered up with Digital Ocean, who are often described as the “Developers Cloud”, due to its low cost and simplicity. Now we manage around 14+ servers for our clients.


Build custom websites using Laravel

We win a contract with a brand agency BrandFire to develop a site for Texaco Support for Sport which requires a customised system, so we turned to the Laravel framework.

We used the same framework for another customer, – a national waste database system for local authorities and waste contractors to monitor waste compliance from food establishments.


Lockdown and a rise in online business

Many of our e-commerce customers benefitted from lockdown as people couldn’t visit actual stores. Some seeing a 400% increase in sales.

Keeping these online stores open for business and working smoothly was essential during this time as the increased traffic often posed a challenge.


Time to focus on business

Like with many of us, lockdown provided a unique opportunity to focus on ourselves. With this in mind we wanted to look at our core message and offerings.

To help frame this we turned to long term friend and mentor Florence Irwin, who has a wealth of commercial experience and knowledge and now helps with our clients messaging.   


Security and Disaster Recovery

For our e-commerce customers keeping the shop open for business is essential, and if something goes wrong due to fraudulent outside attack a quick and reliable response is essential. We then sourced the skills of Andrew Grantham our server expert. With him we have developed disaster recovery methods to protect our clients online stores.

Timeline: Now - 1998


Security and Disaster Recovery

For our e-commerce customers keeping the shop open for business is essential, and if something goes wrong due to fraudulent outside attack a quick and reliable response is essential. We then sourced the skills of Andrew Grantham our server expert. With him we have developed disaster recovery methods to protect our clients online stores.


Time to focus on business

Like with many of us, lockdown provided a unique opportunity to focus on ourselves. With this in mind we wanted to look at our core message and offerings.

To help frame this we turned to long term friend and mentor Florence Irwin, who has a wealth of commercial experience and knowledge and now helps with our clients messaging.   


Lockdown and a rise in online business

Many of our e-commerce customers benefitted from lockdown as people couldn’t visit actual stores. Some seeing a 400% increase in sales.

Keeping these online stores open for business and working smoothly was essential during this time as the increased traffic often posed a challenge.


Build custom websites using Laravel

We win a contract with a brand agency BrandFire to develop a site for Texaco Support for Sport which requires a customised system, so we turned to the Laravel framework.

We used the same framework for another customer, – a national waste database system for local authorities and waste contractors to monitor waste compliance from food establishments.


Start managing our own servers

As Cloud hosting costs became more reasonable, we partnered up with Digital Ocean, who are often described as the “Developers Cloud”, due to its low cost and simplicity. Now we manage around 14+ servers for our clients.


Focusing on Brand

Many web design businesses will eventually incorporate Brand development. We extended ourselves to this essential aspect of our clients needs by working with graphic designer David Haverty who has a long history in the print industry. We now offer full brand development


Starts developing with WordPress

Finally WordPress becomes a trusted complete CMS and we can now create fully functional CMS websites for a fraction of the cost of creating our own system. Now approx 90% of our sites use WordPress and we now develop our own custom plugins.  We are now considered WordPress experts.


Forms a limited company

A chance meeting with a Dutch / Irish man on a plane from the Netherlands, who was working for the Bank of Ireland and had just completed a degree in business at the Smurfit School of Business resulted in Charles Maltha and I forming a limited company. As an employee of the Bank of Ireland he wanted leave the troubled banking sector and explore the commercial possibilities the internet.

So over the next 3 – 4 years he helped me develop business strategies while he learned his way around the commercial side of the world wide web. We both benefited from our relationship and he went on to build a very successful online discounting business and now lives in Spain with his family and me with a better understanding of the business side of things. 


Introduction to the IT sector

Begins working with Adrian Kelly of Unitech Systems Ltd, (now of DNA IT Solutions) to extend and improve the limited Content Management System, thus began a long term relationship that introduced us to the IT sector where we now run and manage a number of high end IT company websites including Data Centre installers to Cyber Security firms.


Wins semi state contract with the NDP (National Development Plan)

Along with my colleague Luke Ash-Browne who now works as a DevOps consultant engineer for WeShape in London, we responded to an advertisement for an information website for the roll out of broadband in Ireland for the a consultancy firm Norcontel for the The Department of Communications, Energy and. Natural Resources (DCENR) as part of the NDP.

To our surprise we won as we were the “only” applicant who offered a Content Management System!


Started creating my first commercial websites

Houseworks Ltd: Agents for Siematic, high end German kitchens. 
Artists: Graham Knuttel, Patrick O’Reilly and Rasher for NK Management.
Metro Eireann: Multiracial News Publication
National Guild of Master Craftsmen
Veldon Tait: Accountants


Built my first website

Running a successful mural business for almost 20 years I decided to put my work online with my first website. But on referencing it to a large international architectural practice, was told that no one in the office used the internet, as it was way too slow.

Too early!  But I really enjoyed the process and decided to make it a business. 


Birth of the Commercial World Wide Web

On hearing a radio article explaining this new phenomenon will become the most revolutionary event to happen this century, I decided to explore.